Individual Sessions

To successfully disarmor the body-mind through Skan, individual sessions are a necessity. We address bodily blocks and patterns of withholding that are directly related to unprocessed emotional experiences of present time or childhood trauma. With the release or melting of the bodily armor, emotional expressions that have been bound in stiffened muscles, organs and tissue are liberated and thus can be expressed in the safe and supportive setting of a Skan session.

It is critical to work in close relationship with another to heal old trauma. The context of a healing relationship is needed to break the old patterns of ‘I am not seen’, ‘I am alone’, ‘Nobody cares’, ‘I am not worthy’, ‘It’s all my fault’, ‘This can’t be true’ ,‘I shouldn’t feel the way I feel’, ‘I am bad’, and other false beliefs. We come up with various methods to cope with intensive emotions as a child, when perhaps we were not supported in feeling and expressing our true feelings. The resulting contractions and wounds become our unconscious patterning.

Skan enables us to bodily understand ‘I am not that child anymore’, and to incarnate fully into the adult body through streaming and experiencing our own energy in a more complete manner.

Individual sessions open and deepen the unobstructed flow of the body’s own life force and sexual energy. This often results in developing a deepened enjoyment of life in relationship. Seemingly fixed character patterns open up and create the option for free choice and new possibilities.

In addition to individual sessions, Skan group workshops greatly enhance and support the integration of new freer patterns of being into daily life.